Voting rights to all:A wise decision or a blunder??

 A question popped to me today that should all have voting rights??

Lets have a look at the history of voting rights first:-

Today We know voting as a very basic right but It was never like this. Leaders In the past have fought much to have voting rights.Adding to that In the British colonial era only elites were given rights for example people who has huge amount of land, leaders , Industrialists ,etc. Poors, socially and educationally Low on hierarchy , racial minorities, landless people ,low cast people ,etc were abstained from voting rights.

              Later after achieving freedom India made our own constitution where right to vote was given to all with some rules for eligibility.

Let's we see advantages of it first:-

1.Every person will have leader of his choice.

2. One can promote his ideology and thinkings through his leader.

3.Feeling of equality among all.

But major things is,

 we lack educated popullation especially social  and political knowledge of his surrounding..It has been noticed one who is illiterate can be easily manipulated by 1.bribing him even with as small as amount of 500rs or a bottle of liquor may be or just by brainwashing one on the name of his belief to him one worships.

                                   We can see majority of people protesting, attending political rallies, protests have no Idea about what protests or rallies are for.often govt introduces any bill and people start protesting without even having a little knowledge about onto the extent where they starts vandalising properties,block roads for months,etc

                 In my surrounding I myself have seen where people are asked to press this and that symboled button or they'll ask to press this numbered button.for instance,one ask to press button numbered 2nd from top or asks to see any symbol and touch..How come someone has no any such basic knowledge should be given rights of choosing who'll represent our country or who'll lead our country.

                  political parties have their own religious ideologies..people are provoked on the name of religion like disseminating lies like their community is being targeted, some casts are treated to be inferior, or their religion treated us poor in past also race supremacy all such things.nobody is made to read manifesto even once..People dont even think of finding their history or his work efficiency.oters have created their lobbies and  It has been often seen plenty of them doesnt even know about the candidate they'll be voting to.

                           well talking about problem or pointing it out isnt a big task rather giving a solution is something most of dont even think about.

Considering, I have pointed out few and also expect you to do same.           

1.Min age shall be increased from 18 to 21..why? coz most of at age of 18 are not aware about economics, ideologies of political parties, administration though it is therotically tought in higher secondary.but the practical knowledge is often people lack In.

2.Conducting a test prior like a basic aptitude test where one who qualified can be given voting right..It may seem Im exaggereting it a lot buy why not?

In our system even a peon needs to go through a quite tough exam needing a good ebough study and aptitude.To get a basic 5000rs job you need a any professional skills.

                 on the other hand we are chosing who'll lead us for next 5 years..He will be directly responsible for future of popullation of lndia and policies for them.He will find solutions for the social issues..Basically He indirectly will be responsible for future of whole.popullation..considering all the things what do you think about all my suggestions..Do u agree or disagree?


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