'varna vs caste system in Hinduism'

                      If you are an Indian you must have heard about castes(jaati) and varnas and it must have often annoyed you throughout your educational journey and later in consuming any govt schemes and privileges or either people have asked you atleast once in which caste you belong to? 
                      But have you ever thought where it have came from and when did it all started? If yes, and you couldn't find appropriate and uncomplex answer yet here I am to help you and acknowledge you with some brief information about below.
While in Indian social system many history books and historians mentioned Indian social system had classification naming Varna and later its sub classification as castes. Varnas were classified into four categories:-

 *Significance of all as follows:-
1)Bramhan:- Varna bramhan was assigned ti people who are into profession of teachins and spreading knowledge.
2)vaishya:-It was assigned to people who are into profession of trade/business.
3)kshatriya:-It was assigned to people who are warriors and who used to protect their natives and janpad or provinces against infitrators. 
4)shudra:-It was assigned to people who are into profession of services (ex. Now govt job servants,private company servants of any such) 
                  But later with advent of time for need to identities within varnas a new system came into existence called caste system. 
                  Caste system have castes naming Teli,Mali,Kumbi,etc etc..Teli was referred to people who are into business of oil. Kumbi was referred to people who used to trade in clay groceries.Mali was referred to people who used to trade in gardening products. And with passage of time varna system got vanished and only caste system sustained..but later with passage of time even caste system got degenerated and it end up becoming a pathetic and complex system. 
                     Unlike caste system In varna system no one was bounded and had privilege to move from one varna like Bramhan to Shudra,vaishya or kshatriya any varna.It was solely depend of which work one wants to do and accordingly one was identified according to their work.
1)varna was flexible system than caste system
2)In varna system people had no interferance in other varna system
3)with passage of time both varna and caste system got degenerated and it needs reforms.

I want you guys comment which probelm have you ever faced because of your respective caste and what do you think does it need reforms ir it should be abolish completely??? 


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