Why do I think that B.R. Ambedkar had not done anything much to be called as the only man behind Indian constitution?? 

                                 I have often heard regarding ambedkar like 'we are because he was' , "only because of him we have constitution","we have fundamental rights because of him only",etc etc. When I heard all such things being a curious person I dig into deeper and tried getting every knowledge about. I have seen various posts, statuses and all stating "Ambedkar himself written whole constitution and even by his own intellect only","He decided what to write or not, etc.
                                 After studying about for more than a year I came to know some facts which I would share now:-
Firstly I would debunk this myth about He himself written whole constitution :-
  we have brought or copied all matters written in constituition from about 60 countries. Fundamental rights from America, Law and order from England, Election sytem from England, Federal system from Canada and various other which you can easily google out of which almost 40 % matter was copied as it is from Government of India act 1935 of British govt. 

                               Once when I was having discussion with someone knowledged about said ok I accept it may have brought from various countries but reading constitutions of various countries is no lesser task and you must appreciate ambedkar for this.. Upon which I answered him 'No not Ambedkar, B.N.Rao who was officially a constitutional advisor made general framework and made initial draft of constitution. Rao himself traveled around globe where he had personal talks with various expertise ,He did all researches,readings and bringing all points which India may consider adding into our constitution.Thus He made intial draft and handover it to our constitution assembly and after 8 months of debates and suggestions changes were made into and then was drafted again by drafting committee which was headed by B.R.Ambedkar .So basically B.N.Rao(was judge of international court of justice) did all important work which is a fact. 

                                Then claim of fundamental rights, people claim that we've got our fundamental rights because of Ambedkar only. 
Coming to claim of fundamental rights there were 17 committees out of which 'Advisory committee on fundamental rights,minorities and Tribal' and 'Fundamental Rights sub committee' had 2 diff committees which was headed by 'sardar vallabbhai patel' and 'J.B. kriplani' respectively. Basically means whatever rights to be added will be suggest and present in parliament by these two.

                                Parliament had 112 meetings for making of constitution and 389 members before partition and 296 after partition.Obviously parliament's session were held to discuss about what to add or not in constitution.Further whatever decided was forwarded to drafting committee which will draft whatever decided into parliamentary meetings.. Which was headed by B.R.Ambedkar and had 7 more members in.(I personally feel drafting whichever is already decided cannot be any huge task to do.) 

                               I had conversations with many people about same topic where I asked factual reasons or anything which would prove my theory  wrong about B. R. Ambedkar and constitution but I am yet to get any satisfiable reply against..offcourse I couldnt reach many through direct conversations thats why I wrote this blog and I welcome you all to comment your perceptions here. 


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