Our National Anthems has always been pride for us.It gets us goosebumps whenever it plays anywhere and we all know it was composed by Sir Ranbindranath Tagore.We all have been singing it since childhood every single day in our schools and on occasions like Independence Day and Republic Day.But when I tried understanding meaning of words in our national anthem and controversy behind our anthem I was left with  jittery.

                    It is a belief that Rabindranath Tagore had composed it for welcome of British ruler 'George Pancham V' after accepting Indian's demand to The British of not separating Bengal . Even in History media and many people had asked Tagore actual meaning of lyrics but He chose to not answer and keep his mouth shut on this question.

           Lets check if people's claim against anthem makes sense or not by understanding meaning of each word of National Anthem:- 

 जन=People ,गण=Group , मन=Mind , अधिनायक=Supreme Leader , जय हे=Hail to you ,       भारत=India , भाग्य=Destiny , विधाता=creator or maker , पंजाब=Punjab , सिंधु=Sindh  गुजरात=Gujarat , मराठा=Maratha , द्रविण=South ,उत्कल=Odisa , बंगा=Bengal ,विंध्य= Vindhyas ,हिमाचल=Himalaya ,यमुना=Yamuna,  गंगा=Ganga , उच्छलय=Moving , जलधि=Ocean, 
तरंगा=Waves , तब =Your , शुभ =Auspicious , नामे=name , जागे=Awaken , तब =Your, शुभ=Auspicious , आशीष=Blessings , मांगे=Ask , गाहे=sings , तब =Your , जय=Victory ,गाथा= Song, जन =People , गण =Group , मंगल=Fortune , दायक=Giver , जय हे=Victory Be, भारत=India  भाग्य=Destiny/Fortune , विधाता=Creator/dispenser,
जय हे, जय हे, जय हे, जय जय जय जय हे.=Hails to you forever.

"Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka, jaya he Bharata-bhagya vidhata"

:-Under  British rule George pancham was the Governor general in 1911. You the ruler supreme leader of minds of people of India hail to you. You are the dispenser of Indians' fortune.

"Punjaba-Sindhu-Gujarata-Maratha, Dravida-Utkala-Banga"
:-History tells that it was the only states which was under rule of british back then. 

Vindhya-Himachal Yamuna-Ganga utchal jaladi taranga Tava shubha name jage Tava shubha aashish mage"

:-The poet says that it your auspicious names echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea.

"Gahe tava jaya gatha"

 :-We pray for your victory we sing your victory anthem.

"Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he Bharata-bhagya vidhata"

:-You the dispenser of our fortune

"jaya he, jaya he, jaya heJaya jaya jaya, jaya he!"

:-Hail to you hail to you hail to you.
            Going with literal meaning of words and occasion when it was composed and sung makes us believe the theory.Even when I tried searching for views against this theory I couldn't find any logical theory.If you guys have views against please comment with your views.

some interesting facts:-

*while the time of choosing national Anthem majority people in parliament voted for 'VANDE MATARAM' to be our national anthem but as it has lyrics where meaning ''we bow down to maa durga'',Nehru opposed for sake of secularism as it was hurting sentiments of Muslim community thus, 'JANA GANA MANA' had chosen.

 *Though first stanza of 'Bharat bhagyo vidhata' which is 'Jana Gana Mana' which is our national anthem too seems like fawning to british emperor but later stanzas of poem indicates it is for Lord Krishna(kindly search full poem on google to know more).But the question is if it again indicate it was for Lord Krishna then it too should have been rejected for same reason of secularism.


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