The recent news is PIL against revoking or changing name 'INDIA' to 'BHARAT' had been filed into SC,To which supreme court stated that "Both India and Bharat name is mentioned into our constitution and said it can be referred to Central Govt".That means it can be amend through bill constitutionally.(i.e. Article 1-'INDIA THAT IS BHARAT SHALL BE UNION OF STATES')

                         I'm sure series of questions must have striked into your head like why our country has two official names? what significance does these words have?  Is it relevant appeal to strike out name India? what really should be our country's name? etc etc.Even if you have searched it on google you must have left with only confusion and  nothing today i'll clear your all queries in very brief and simplistic language.    
                 First we'll understand significance of name BHARAT:Name 'Bharat' is associated with two theories:-
1)It was named after mythic Mahabharat's character naming Bharat who was son of king dushyanta who is referred as best king or the name behind building nation.

2)Another theory is it was derived from sanskrit word in which BHA means knowledge and RATH which means carrier.stating BHARAT a country which is identified as carrier of knowledge,where people are indulged into knowledge.

                     Then coming to word 'HINDUSTAN' which simply means place of Hindus. It was named by a mughal emperor in 11th century. The word Hindu was named in times when persians used to trade with India and they had to cross the river to enter our country naming Sindhu nadi(river). The irony is they used to pronounce letter 'S' by 'H'.Thus with advent of time they keep on referring it as Hindu nadi and people living beside hindu river referred as Hindus.(Hindus mean we all Indians.fact is at that time there were no any religion named hindu dharma.Although hindu was sanskirti.Way of living not bounded in any way like any other religion).

 Now name INDIA ,which too have two theories:-
1) Greeks used to pronounce hindus as indus and thus place of indu as India.(which is common practice in greece adding 'IA' in last to refer people of particular country as per historians.)

2)Another theory is country beside Indian ocean.(Hind mahasagar) referred as India by greeks.(mentioned by greek historian herodotus in his book)
                        Now it is upto you which theory you find more relevant and which name you wish India should have.

some intersting facts:-
1)chinese pronounce Hindus as Yindus.
2)while making constitution 8 names Aryavarta,Hind,Hindustan,Bharat,India,Nabhivarhsa,jambudveepa and Tianzhu was proposed and out of which Bharat and India was selected as official names.
3)Had rejected name Hindustan for sake of so called secularism status of country.



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